Fulfillment Fund University: Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Your Goals!
Fulfillment Fund. Los Angeles Community College (LACC), Los Angeles, CA.
Board Retreat: Leading and Lagging Indicators of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The L.A. Trust. Los Angeles Community College (LACC), Los Angeles, CA.
Latinx Parents Supporting LGBTQ Youth: Program Evaluation and Recommendation.
National Association of School Psychologists. Denver, CO
Equitable Practices in Identification of Intellectual Disability.
National Association of School Psychologists. Denver, CO
Board Retreat: Oh The Places You'll Go!
Fulfillment Fund. NeueHouse Company, Los Angeles, CA.
Staff Retreat: Surfing the Waves of Change
Fulfillment Fund. Annenberg Beach House, Santa Monica, CA.
Culturally-responsive Social-emotional Support.
Mzima Educator Retreat, Westlake Village, CA.
Trauma-informed Practices to Promote Resilience.
Mzima Educator Retreat, Westlake Village, CA.
Optimizing School Climate Through Positive Identity Development.
Mzima Educator Retreat, Westlake Village, CA.
Prioritizing Educator Wellness and Preventing Burnout.
Mzima Educator Retreat, Westlake Village, CA.
Mind the Gaps: Reframing Our Mindset around K-12 Educational Gaps.
Coro Lead SoCal, Los Angeles, CA. Virtual
Best Practices for Providing Psychological Services to Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing.
Baltimore County Public Schools, Baltimore, MD.
Applying Animal Assisted Play Therapy within a School-Based Trauma-Responsive Approach. .
International Institute for Animal Assisted Play Therapy – R’s 2nd Annual Virtual Conference.
DeLong, G., Kiperman, S. & colleagues
Mental Health Matters: Program Evaluation and Therapeutic Skill Development.
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA
Ganz, J. and colleagues
Animal Assisted Interventions: Trauma-Responsive SEL Strategies.
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA
Ganz, J. and colleagues
Bring Your Pet to Work: Animal Assisted Interventions in Schools.
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA
Anti-Racist and Culturally Responsive Practices that Affirm Schools' Diverse Youth.
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA
Kiperman, S. and colleagues
Enacting Socially Just Mixed Methods Research and Practice.
National Association of School Psychologists. Boston, MA
Connected and Empowered: Asset-Based Ecological Supports for Vulnerable Youth during COVID-19 and Post-pandemic
Arizona School Psychology Association, Phoenix, AZ.
Reducing Stigma: Suicide Risk Assessment and Safety Planning in Schools
Department of Maryland Suicide Prevention Conference. Virtual.
Staff Retreat: Next Chapter: Balanced. Connected. Empowered
Fulfillment Fund, Malibu, CA.
Suicide Risk Assessment & Prevention Planning
Missouri Behavior Health Suicide Prevention Conference. Virtual.
Asset-Focused Ecological Supports for Vulnerable Youth during COVID-19 and Post-Pandemic
National Association of School Psychologists. Virtual Webinar.
Hart, K.C., Payne, E., & Williamson, A.
Anti-Racist School Communities: Promoting Racially and Culturally Responsive Practices in School Psychology
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY. Virtual
Providing Safe & Inclusive Learning Environments For LGBTQ+ Youth
Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai, India. Virtual.
Self-Care Series for School Professionals: Resilient and Charmed
Retreat Center of Maryland, Columbia, MA. Virtual.
Relax, Relate, Release: Managing Stress in College...During a Global Pandemic!
Fulfillment Fund, Los Angeles, CA. Virtual.
Whole Student Support and Building Relationships for Newcomers.
LAUSD Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department, Los Angeles, CA. Virtual.
Lipmen, S.J., & Hart, K.C.,
Whole Student Supports for Students who are Newcomers.
LAUSD Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department, Los Angeles, CA. Virtual.
Lipmen, S.J., & Hart, K.C.,
Whole Child Perspective: Connecting with Families to Support Youth.
North Carolina State University School Psychology Department, Raleigh, NC.
Help! I think I am in the midst of a Career Crisis.
World Changers Summit 2020 - All Nations Worship Assembly, Chicago, IL. Virtual.
A Place to Belong: Creating Supportive School Culture and Climate for Adolescents with Emotional Challenges.
California Student Mental Wellness Conference (CASMWC), Virtual Conference, CA.
Curriculum Development and Backwards Planning, Three Part Presentation.
Summer of NewCAJE. Virtual.
Classroom Management Tool Kit.
Summer of NewCAJE. Virtual.
Providing Emotional Supports for Youth through the Loss of Socialization during the Pandemic.
LA Parent Magazine Virtual Summer Camp Fair for Parents, Los Angeles, CA.
Your Mental and Socio-Emotional Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Workshop for School Aged Students.
Ada S. McKinley Community Services - Doolittle Academy, Chicago, IL. Virtual.
Our Mental and Socio-Emotional Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic Workshop for School Aged Students.
Ada S. McKinley Community Services - Well Prep Academy, Chicago, IL. Virtual.
DeBrule, D., Moore, M., & Bogopolskaya, N.
Expanding the Reach of Posttraumatic Growth as Protective Factor and Outcome of Therapeutic Intervention: Applications to Adolescents Suicide Survivors Severe.
Panel presentation at the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) Annual Conference. Virtual
Cultivating Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth: Research, Counseling, and Consultation. A mini-skills session.
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD.
School Psychology…Because Students’ Lives Matter.
LAUSD Gifted Network for African American/Black Students and Families, Los Angeles, CA.
Scholar in Residence, Classroom Management and Curriculum Development.
Temple Beth Torah, Ventura, CA.
IT’S PERSONAL! Expanding Our Conceptualization of How We Support Students with Social-Emotional Stressors and Histories of Trauma.
2nd Annual Innovation Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Resilience, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Posttraumatic Growth, and Suicide Loss.
Paper presentation at the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
The Relationship between Resilience Factors and Presence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth in Suicide Loss Survivors.
Speaker at Chester County Suicide Prevention Task Force Quarterly Meeting, West Chester, PA.
Hart, K.C., & Alcala, E.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Utilizing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to Promote Social-Emotional Well-Being and Academic Success for All Students.
Inaugural Innovation Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
The Taboo Dominant Narrative: Religion.
National Association of Multicultural Education, CA Conference, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.
What is problem based learning? Two part presentation.
NewCAJE, North Central College, Naperville, IL.
Comparative Religion: How do we create a safe space for understanding and questioning?
NewCAJE, North Central College, Naperville, IL.
Challenges and Pride: How do we equip our students with the understanding of where Jewish identity fits into the American Landscape? Intensive featured workshop.
NewCAJE, North Central College, Naperville, IL.